Goal: To be able to identify trolling attempts or Spam attacks

Permission: Agent status

Occurrence: Anytime

Observation: Tickets that are similar in nature that have a very standard subject line that is repetitive or looks strange. You are also looking for a bunch coming from the same email. The body of the email may also be garbage. The contents may be in a language other than English. There may be URLs or links embedded in the body of the email.

Actions: An occasional ticket like this can simply be deleted. But if you see a pattern where there are a number of them of a similar nature like this that are appearing in the listing over a 24-hour period, you should alert Tier 3. Merge a few of them all together to the oldest ticket in the batch and then assign that to Tier 3 technical support.

If they are coming in a very rapid fashion (e.g. many per hour), then you should contact Tier 3 by emergency methods. Set this ticket to URGENT!

Source: Could be any website.

Tier 2 Actions

No Tier 2 actions. Needs to be handled by Tier 3.