Goal: Follow a standard procedure for offline conversations that maintains the ticket thread.

Permissions: Any agent with helpdesk access

Offline conversations should be rare and only if uniquely needed.  An "offline" conversation is one where the agent initiates contact with an individual from their personal email outside of the ticket system.

Here are some examples of when it may be appropriate to take a conversation offline.

Appropriate Reasons for Taking Conversation Offline

  • You know the nature of the conversation is going to be such that information shared should not be a part of a widely available ticket trail.
  • The individual has not been responding to requests for information from the Help Center and you feel they may reply if they receive a personal email from an individual rather than a general account.
  • You suspect that the email address may not be the correct one and you want to check.
  • Further dialog between the parties will be more of a personal rather than a corporate nature and as such, don't belong in a ticket.

There may also be other reasons as well. If there are please let us know. 

Special Procedure for Offline Conversations

This information applies to a conversation that is taken offline because you feel you may get a better response (the second bullet point above).  There is no need to follow this procedure for conversations taken offline for personal or private reasons.

  • Use the same email address that we are using to contact the person.