OCCURRENCE: Occasional.

OBSERVATION: When a person originally applies to EMDC they are sent an email asking them to answer 4 questions. If they do not reply to those questions, we will ask multiple times. If they then never reply back to the four questions, their status is changed from "pending" to "release".  With "release" status the applicant can reactivate themselves. It is the role of Tier 3 to reassign to appropriate status once reactivated. The automation rule sends out the reply in English Only.  Look back at the original Approval Request ticket and look at the "activities." If this ticket was ever assigned to be handle by a non-english Agent, you should note that.

ACTION: Check to make sure status is left at Open and Tier 3. But go ahead and place a To-Do Due date of one week from ticket origin. Once Tier 3 responds, check to make sure a due date is there and it is in pending status.   If the Approval Request ticket was handled by a non-english agent, you should notify them that this ticket has arrived.