Goal: To insure that a standard procedure and protocol are being followed for every ticket.
Permissions: Agents doing Triage
In the Triage phase, you should ALWAYS go through these actions with EVERY TICKET!!!
- CONTACT: Fix the contact name if possible.
- Quick Way: If it is contained in this or a previous ticket, fix it from that.
- Go to Admin page and do a super-search on that email address. It should bring up the persons name if known.
- Click on Email and then edit contact information. Make changes and save.
- **Multiple emails for the same contact, verify current email and merge Contact profiles to that email**
- SUBJECT: Adjust the subject line to be more descriptive.
- BODY: Is there excess body text that can be removed. For example, if they are replying to a reminder that they were sent. You can delete the body of the reminder unless they have a question about a link not working.
- MERGE?: Evaluate to see if this is a follow-up to a previous conversation to which it should be merged.
- SPLIT?: Are there multiple topics and does it need to be split into separate tickets?*
- NOTE: Is there any note that should be added to help an agent understand how to handle this.
- GROUP: What is the content of this ticket? To which group does it make the most sense to place it.
- ESCALATE: Are there timing issues or an urgent need in this ticket that would justify it being escalated to a higher priority level?
- STATUS: To what status should this ticket be set?
- TYPE: Is there a clear ticket "Type" that should be assigned?
*If you split a ticket, you then need to start over with step two for both the original and split ticket to make sure each is set up correctly.
**Need to verify if merging contact profiles is the default action & under what circumstances you would not merge.**