At this time, this is a "MANUAL" process handled by Tier 3 admin.   Here is the process for handling a "postponed" class.

  1. A new date is set for the class to be postponed to.

  2. All of the information from the "classes" table is copied to a new class with only four things being changed:
    - the classID
    - the parentID
    - the date/time
    - the created date
    This becomes the NEW class number.

  3. The OLD class is changed in these ways:
    - The title has the prefix "Postponed Session |"
    - The description is changed to say something like: "Due to technical difficluties, this class was rescheduled to February 2, 2022 #663."
    - The status is changed to "n"
    - The aws_filename is set to "n.a"

  4. The attendees from the OLD class are all coped to the NEW class. Keep the "created dates" and all relevant information the same.

  5. The Mass Mail Feature is used to then contact all of the people from the original class and let them know about the rescheduling.