Goal: To provide a ticket that can be used by Tier 2 | Approval for contacting pending enrollees.
Audience: Used by Tier 2 | Approval Agents
This is a sample of this ticket. These are generated EVERY time a pending enrollee is generated. Ideally the potential enrollee has filled out an application. These tickets are most often not used, especially if the individual has filled out the online application. But in the event that the person does not fill out the application, this ticket is used to establish an initial contact with the person to request information. When this ticket is generated it is automatically set to "closed" and only then used on an as needed basis.
OCCURRENCE: Almost daily.
OBSERVATION: These are tickets that provide an easy means of contacting an individual who has applied to EMDC. They all should look almost identical to this except for the name.
ACTION: If you see that the person's name (what shows in blue above as Frida.alhmdan) is just their email address portion before the @ sign, click their name and use the name from the subject line to correct it. Once that is done, no other action is needed because this ticket came in as closed. It can simply be left as closed unless Tier 2 | Approval needs it.