Goal: To understand how to create and maintain Landing Pages
Permissions: Landing specific access to a page, or all landings or super access.
General Guidelines
The following guidelines should be used for the production of Landing Pages.
- Try to use images that are compressed as possible. If you do not know what this means, do a search on the phrase "image size reduction for web sites". The image resolution for web based images is 72dpi.
- The max width for the screen size is 1024px. So a bigger will not be bigger. Limit your image width to 1024px.
- Try not to copy/paste formatted text from a Google Doc or Word or other program. The BEST way to format is to write all of your content in your favorite tool as plain text without formatting. Then copy that over to the Landing Tiles editor. Once there, go in and apply the various formatting options to get it to look like what you want. If you do your formatting in a Google Doc or other outside program, it will bring over a lot of extra, "hidden" clutter. It will probably work, but may cause unexpected results on small screens. Limiting your formatting to only that which is in the Landing Tiles editor is the best.
- The size of the title is 40 characters. The subtitle is 125 characters. These are the two fields that appear on the landing pages.
Special Formatting
One of the features of using Landing Pages is that you can use shortcuts for the placement of content.
Use the following formats to accomplish the desired results:
* Bulleted List of Classes
|*| Indicates that all of the classes contained between these bookends will be presented as a bulleted list. So |*|150,250,350|*| becomes:
- Title for Class 150
- Title for Class 250
- Title for Class 350
The title would be a link to the go page for that class. If you want to do it for archive sessions, the format is the same.
* Bulleted List of Classes with Date
|^| Indicates that the "date" should be included on the line.
- Title for Class 150 (14 Mar 21)
* Bulleted List of Series Dynamically Created
|#| Indicates that this is a series that will ONLY show the upcoming classes in the series. This is dynamic. So if you add a new session to the series, you will NOT need to go back in and update the series. You MUST use the parent classID for the series. It simply becomes |#|112|#|
Other formats will be added. If you have a desired format, please submit it as a support ticket for consideration.