Goals: How to correctly transfer Zoom settings from Zoom to EDMC.online.
It is VERY VERY VERY important that the Zoom Settings get correctly transferred over from Zoom to EMDC.online. It is quite simple. But it is also quite easy to make a mistake. Here are the steps.
- Log into the Zoom account with the main EMDC email username.
- Click on the "Meetings" link to list your meetings.
- Find and click on the link for the meeting you need to setup or change. (Do not edit, the meeting, just view).
- Once you are at the view screen, click on the "Copy Invitation" link.
- It will open a big box with a lot of extra information. All we need are the three items highlighted in green: 1) The embedded link; 2) the meeting ID; 3) Meeting passcode. Do not use the "Copy Meeting Information" button.
- Then go into the admin section and find the line for this class. Click on the red "edit" button on the far right side.
- That will open a window to enter the items. Paste the copied information into the first field. Make sure the HTTP is at the far left side of the entry. The select and "cut" everything to the right of the embedded passcode link.
In this image, you will see that the "space" and the words "Meeting ID" are all highlighted. "Cut" that ending and then paste it into the next field for meeting ID. - Remove the words "Meeting ID" from the pasted text (marked in red) and then "copy and cut" the information in green at the end.
- You will do the same with removing the space and word "Passcode: " and leaving only the words "Class343". When you are done, it should look like this.
We recommend this method instead of doing three separate copy and pastes from Zoom or instead of typing in the meeting ID or passcode manually. This helps to eliminate errors because you are grabbing direct text from Zoom.
In the future we hope to automate this process so that this information can be grabbed from Zoom via the use of an API.
10. Verifying the Zoom link is set up correctly: (Log out of the Zoom account before this step)
You may visually verify the Meeting ID as it is plainly displayed in the Zoom link. The Passcode is encrypted making it more difficult to verify visually. There is a test panel available to verify the link.
To access the test panel, click on the Meeting ID number displayed along the right side of each class in the Class Listing.
Now click the Test Zoom Link
NB: The test will only be valid if you are not logged into the Zoom account used to create the meeting.