Goals: This gives a general description of the actions needed to set up a new class or course.


This article will need final editing. This is simply a starting point to record the general flow. Details will be filled in and adjusted as needed.

  1. Class Creation: Director of Education (DoE)initially works with potential presenters via tickets and email to get general parameters, potential dates and other key items. When enough information is available, DoE uses the class creation button to launch a new class and fills in minimal fields. DoE turn class over to the Class & Course Administrator (CCA). DoE usually only sets up the first class and can leave a lot of information blank. The DoE mentions to the speaker that a speaker liaison will be in contact with them soon.
  2. Initial Details: The CCA takes a first glance at the class and fills in as much information as they can. They make a list of needed items that the Speaker Liaison (SL) will need to acquire. If this class is repeated or if it is a multi-session course, the CCA gets all of those dates set up as well. The set up does not have to be complete before it is turned over to the SL.
  3. Zoom Setup: The CCA then goes into the EMDC account to schedule classes. Appropriate information is copied into the class setup.
  4. Initial Speaker Contact: The SL contacts the speaker to do an initial introduction but also to begin the process of collecting missing details.
  5. Entry of Details Into Database: The SL enters the details into the database via the administration portal. 
  6. Activate Class: Once the mission critical details* are filled in, the class can be set to "Active." This is done by the SL with notification to the DoE. 
  7. Ongoing Changes: If the presenters, DoE, or CCA find anything that needs to be corrected, the SL will coordinate and do the correction. If it is an item that requires a super admin (e.g. changing a date after attendees have registered), then a ticket should be submitted.
  8. AWS Bucket Set Up: The Media Team does the setup of the Amazon Web Services buckets.
  9. Tech & Session Host Assign: The CCA monitors, recruits and assigns individuals to work as tech and session hosts.
  10. Schedule Confirmation: The SL contacts and works with the presenters to make sure that the session dates are on their calendar and they are ready to present. 
  11. Monitor for Red Line: The CCA monitors the class listing page to see if there are any red lines. If there are, they work to get them corrected in the appropriate manner.

*Mission Critical Details: In order to set a class to active, it is important that these items be finalized.

  • Title of the class/course
  • Dates, times and lengths of all of the sessions
  • Size Limitations

Current Roles:  As of Dec 2020, the following individuals play these roles. 

Director of Education: Steve Baughman

Class & Course Administrator: Jonathan Woodard

Speaker Liaison: Duane Troyer

Media Team: Larry