Goals: These instructions are used for the preparation and processing of videos to be placed in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform.
Grab Raw Video from Zoom & Initial Edit Instructions
This is covered in a separate document. You can view it here.
Local Edit of Video
This section is really based on the users video editing preference. Appropriate instructions will eventually be provided here as well. The bottom line are these two key things.
- We shoot for the highest possible resolution up to 1920 x 1080p. If the inbound video is less than that, there is no need to expand the resolution. You only need to produce one single video at the highest HD level up to our max.
- You are saving it as a .mp4 video with these parameters: (to be written in later).
- Trim off opening and closing extra comments. You start with the transition to the speaker after the opening prayer. You close at the end of the primary content and before announcements are made.
- You place the front end opening and closing graphics on the video.
- You follow the proper naming convention for the video.
Compress the Video Via HandBrake
This section needs instructions for what parameters to use for the compression.
Make sure the file is named exactly as stated here. Use a copy/paste to get the right name.
Upload the File to the AWS
This section assumes you have permissions to log into AWS and get to the S3 application. You will then take the compressed video and upload it to the "pending" directory in the emdc_stream bucket. (red arrow)
Create a New Folder For the Media Conversion
- On the same "stream" page, click on the "Videos" link (Green #2 in above diagram).
- Use the first 8 digits of your file name to drill down to (or potentially create) the appropriate directory to house your folder. You are drilling down to the Year and Month for when this video was recorded. Those are the eight numbers that appear at the front of the file name.
- You will then create a new folder that uses the part of the name without the year and date. For example, for a file name like "20201014_SampleTitleName", the folder would become "14_SampleTitleName". The logic is we already know the year and month, so all that is needed to separate programs is the day is was recorded and the condensed title.
Create the Folder
Created Folder Now Looks Like This
Initiate the AWS Media Conversion
Return to the AWS Console, and click on the Media Convert service.
- Make sure that you are in the "OHIO" region (upper right navigation bar).
- Once on the MC page, first click on "Job Templates"
- Then click on the "EMDC Media Conversion HLS Only Type" Click on the link, not the checkbox.
- Confirm that you have loaded the right template.
- Click on the Create Job Button
Set Parameters and Start Job
When the "Create Job" page loads, you are going to set 4 parameters.
- Set the Input 1 source file by using the "Browse Button" to search for and find the source file in the emdc_stream/pending directory.
- Click on the "File Group" button and use the browse feature to locate the folder you created a few steps ago. It is the destination. This "browse" feature works a bit unique. You have to know the general path to get to that directory. Remember it starts at emdc_stream bucket, then goes to videos, the year and month. At that point the folder should appear as a choice to make.
- Repeat the same step for the Apple HLS output group. The destination for each is the same.
- Scroll to the bottom and click on "Settings." You only have to update one thing. That is the "IAM Role." That needs to be set to "Video Stream Convert"
Check your work and then scroll all the way down to the lower right and hit the "Create" button.
Monitor Progress
The conversion job will start. The bottom of the overview will show the status. You can stay on this page and hit refresh (A) or jump over to the job summary to see other jobs you have in the queue (B). The amount of time it takes for a one-hour video is between 15 to 30 minutes. If you go to the "Jobs" page, it will show your most recent job on the top and it will give you a percentage figure for how far along it is.
Copy/Paste Location Into EMDC.online
After the job is completed, the final step is to copy the file location and paste it into EMDC.online. You do that by returning to the folder you created for this file. (many steps above).
Find the Folder You Created and Drill Into It
Find the File with the shortest name and the .m3u8 Extension
It should be the smallest file in the folder and is typically at the top. If you need to search, it's the filename with full date plus .m3u8 extension. When found, click on it.
Get The Key Field
In the Overview Panel, there is a "Key" field with a little copy icon next to it. Click the "copy" icon to grab the file name. That copies that file name into your clipboard.
Paste Copies Key Into EMDC.online
Go Out to EMDC.online and go back to the Edit Page for Classes and Click on the Red Edit Icon
Go out to End User Site and Test Archive
Go out to the end user listing site, go to the archive and click on the "Archive" link and play the video link. It should play. If it does, you can go to the final step. If it doesn't, then contact Tier 3 Technical Support Immediately!
Move from Pending to Done
The final step is to move your completed video from the "pending" folder to the "done" folder.