Goals: This explains how to archive the video sessions from EDMC, along with different media types to do so.



There are five media types that need to be managed/handled for the archive video sessions of EMDC.online. 

  • Zoom Video Recording: The visual, edited recording of the Zoom session.
  • Zoom Audio Recording: The audio only recording of the Zoom session.
  • Zoom Transcript: A written transcript of the recorded file (if available).
  • Zoom Chat Log: The edited and abridged version of the Zoom session chat.
  • Presenter Slides: A .pdf file version of the presenters slides.

The chat log is placed into a database for faster and easier retrieval. The other three medias are uploaded to our Amazon Web Services (AWS) account.  

Each of these media has three steps involved. For some of the media, the step is the same.

  1. Retrieval of the source media.
  2. Appropriate Editing and condensing and renaming to correct format.
  3. Uploading to AWS and EMDC.online Database

For some of the media, the step is the same (e.g. All four Zoom files are retrieved in the same way.) Different roles can be handled by different people. It does not have to be the same person that does every step. For example, one person can download all four files to a shared team drive and then different team members could handle each aspect.


Zoom Files

The Zoom files are obtained by logging into our master Zoom account and then downloading the files to our local drive. The login credentials will be provided by an EMDC admin staff. Once equipped with those credentials, you log in and then 1) click the "Recordings" tab in the left side navigation bar; 2) make sure you are on "cloud recordings"; 3) use the search feature to find your desired recording.

As seen in the above listing, multiple sessions may exist for a single session. This occurs because we have our Zoom account set up to automatically record the sessions and we also allow people to log in before the host. This means that if anyone clicks on the Zoom link a recording starts. People often do this to check the link. You will need to look at each one of these individual recordings to find the one that you desire to work on. In a wider screen view than what our image illustrates, you will see the disk size used for storage. A good hint is that the larger ones contain the live video/audio. Once found, click on that link to reveal the recording dashboard that will look like this.

There often is more than one recording per session as shown above. This is because even in a hosted session (as contrasted to a click to check session), the video starts recording when the first person clicks on the link. When the technical Zoom host arrives, they will stop that first recording and then start again when the live session starts. That creates two recordings like this. You can again get a good hint for which file is correct by looking at the length.  In the above case, it is "Recording 2."

To make sure you have the right one, you can look at the video length (it should be over an hour) and then start playing the video.  Fast forward to make sure it is the correct one.

Once you have confirmed you have the right file, you can follow the on-screen instructions to download the whole package or individual files.

Presenter Slides

When the Technical Host initially started working with the presenter to get things set up, it would have been suggested that the presenter furnish their slides in a .pdf format. If this was done properly, they would have come in as a ticket in the FreshDesk system. A trained agent will place these in the desired location. We have found that it is easier for the presenter to save their slides as a .pdf than it is for us to get a format that we are not used to. For example some people use iOS Keynote, others use Google Slides and some PowerPoint.  By saving to a .pdf we have a "portable" (hey, that's what the "p" in the pdf stands for) file that we can more easily manage. We are not going to go "chasing down" any missing slides. We will give the presenter an opportunity to submit them as a .pdf through a ticket. If they do not do that or if they do not send a .pdf file, then we will simply not attach their slides. 

Editing, Condensing & Renaming:

Start/Stop Points on Audio & Video:

The video should be edited first to find the start and end points. The audio and transcript will follow accordingly. We are attempting to have the EMDC Session Host follow a fairly standard protocol. What you are looking for is the point where the Session Host opens in prayer and then introduces the speaker. The video will start right at that point. These will NOT be distributed as "stand alone" videos. As such, all of the presenter bio, announcements and other details are handled from within the Website. So the video start point is where the speaker starts speaking.  

The video end point is at the end of the presentation when the Session Host is closing out the session. There may be some announcements related to EMDC or other admin items that are covered. We are recommending that we do a slow fade to black during those comments. 

(NOTE Additional details needed here for video editing).

The audio file should then be edited to match the timing of the video.

Content for the Transcript

If available, the transcript should then be edited to match the video. It will begin with the speakers opening comments and can end with when the video begins its fade to black.

Content for the Chat

The chat should be edited so that only the most pertinent comments are included. We do not need the listing of people saying "hello" nor do we need the administrative items (e.g. Zoom sizing, recording, etc.) that the Tech Host puts in the chat. You mostly are including questions, answers, related comments, Web links, etc. If someone mentions a time sensitive event (e.g. upcoming conference), you cut it out. The chat could end up quite short.

Slides .pdf Content

There should be no editing needed on the slides unless there is a privacy issue for something that needs to be removed. But we are trusting here that the presenter is providing us with the content he wants attached to his presentation. If the slides file did not come as a pdf, you can read this answer for help with converting.



This is a mission critical step. If the files are not named correctly, they will not work.  All data for naming comes from the official EMDC.online database. The standardization for the name involves these things:

  • The name contains only letters, numbers, the underscore and parenthesis. No spaces, periods, dashes or other characters. 
  • The first letter of words are capitalized. We abbreviate as much as possible. 
  • If the material is in a non-English language, the two-letter language code appears in parenthesis at the end.
  • The file extensions must be lower case (i.e. Use ".pdf" instead of ".PDF")

You obtain the official name in the following manner

WORKAROUND: I have attached a spreadsheet to this answer that has the current file names for most of our upcoming and past session. You can consult the spreadsheet for examples.

The standardization uses this formula;
8-digit date (YYYYMMDD)


Condensed, capitalized title.

Optional non-english language

For example, "Building a Culture of Innovation" given September 29th of 2020 becomes: 20200929_BuildCultureInnovation

Non-English Titles

If the title of the presentation is non-english, use Google Translate and use the English equivalent.

For example the course of "El diseño gráfico en la era digital" in English is "Graphic Design in the Digital Age." The shortname is: GraphicDesignDigitalAge(es).

Uploading Files:

The finished products will be uploaded in one of two ways. 1) To AWS folders or 2) into the EMDC.online database.  The video, audio and slide files go to AWS. The Chat and Transcript go straight into the database.

AWS Login

You will be provided the specific credentials by an administrator. There are three items that are needed to log into AWS.

To begin the login process, go to: https://console.aws.amazon.com

The screen will look like this. 

The admin will provide you with the account ID, IAM username and Password that you will use to sign in.  Note, when logging in for the first time, you may be taken to a screen that gives you the option to choose between an IAM user or a Root user. Select the IAM option.

Once logged in, you will arrive at a the main console. It looks like this.

The ONLY thing you are looking for is the S3 service. Unless somebody curiously goes exploring, the S3 link should be one of the only ones there in Recently Visited Services.  If it isn't there, just type "S3" into the search bar.   

If at any point you get lost and deep in the weeds, click on the AWS tab in upper left (blue arrow).  That should bring you back to this main home page. Click on S3 to be taken to a page that will look like the following:

Depending on how your specific IAM account is set up, you may be drilled down into a specific folder or you may be at this root folder that gives access to all of the emdc-online folders in the bucket.

Folder Structure

The folders in the AWS bucket are set up like this:

Then if you drill down into each folder, they are organized according to year and month. 

AWS Upload

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